Internal Information System
In compliance with Law 2/2023, dated February 20, regulating the protection of individuals who report normative infractions and anti-corruption efforts, and within the framework of its Program for the Prevention of Crime, the VAPF Group has implemented an Internal Information System. This system allows any member of VAPF Group, or any third party associated with the company, who is aware of or suspects a normative non-compliance (whether it be of legislative regulations, its development norms, or internal corporate regulations) committed by a VAPF Group member or third parties in contact with VAPF Group in the course of their work activities, to report this knowledge to VAPF Group, either identified or anonymously.
Should the communication you wish to make relate to infringements of European Union Law, serious or very serious criminal or administrative offenses, or breaches of the Code of Conduct or VAPF Group's internal regulations, please proceed through the following link.
You may consult the Policy of the Internal Information System by clicking on this link